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General Policies and Programs


IV.G-1 Applicablity of 30 CFR 36 to Oil Shale Mines
IV.G-2 Cameras as Part of Inspection Equipment
IV.G-3 Compliance Assistance Vist (CAV)
IV.G-4 Reserved
IV.G-5 Inspect and Sampling Policy for Radiation at Underground Mines
IV.G-6 Inspection of Mines on Idle Shifts
IV.G-7 Inspection of Small Mines
IV.G-8 Jurisdiction Over Alumina Refining Facilities
IV.G-9 Jurisdiction Over Mine Roads
IV.G-10 Jurisdiction Over Refractory Mills
IV.G-11 MSHA/OSHA Interagency Agreement
IV.G-12 Operator Responsibility Over Customer Vehicles
IV.G-13 Portable Operations
IV.G-14 Regular Inspection After Fatal Accident
IV.G-15 Reporting PCB Spills
IV.G-16 Second-and-Third-Shift Inspections
IV.G-17 Suspected "Foul Play" Felonies


Interpretation, Application And Guidelines On Enforcement Of 30 CFR


Subpart B Ground Control
56.3130 Wall, Bank, and Slope Stability
56/57.3200 Correction of Hazardous Conditions
56/57.3203 Rock Fixtures
56/57.3401 Examination of Ground Conditions
56/57.3430 Acitivity Between Machinery or Equipment and the Highwall or Bank
57.3461 Rock Bursts
Subpart C Fire Prevention and Control
57.4057 Underground Flame-Resistant Trailing Cables
57.4460(b) Underground Storage of Vehicles Containing Gasoline
56/57.4503 Conveyor Belt Slippage and Detection System
56/57.4530 Exits from Buildings or Structures
56/57.4531 Surface Builidings or Rooms for Flammable or Combustible Liquid Storage
56/57.4533 Surface Builidings or Structures in Vicinity of Mine Openings
57.4560 Fire Retardant Timber in Mine Entrances
Subpart D Air Quality, Radiation, and Physical Agents
56/57.5001(a) Nuisance Particles
56/57.5001(a) Issuing Citations on the Basis of Vacuum Bottle or Bistable Gas Samples
56/57.5001(a)/.5005 Issuing and Terminating Citations
56/57.5002 Dust, Gas, Mist and Fume Surveys by Mine Operators
56/57.5005 Respiratory Protection
56/57.5005(a) Use of Certified Mercury Respirators
56/57.5005(c) Definition of Immediately Harmful to Life
57.5039 Maximum Permissible Concentration (Radon Daughters)
57.5040 Exposure Records (Radon Daughters)
57.5045 Posting of Inactive Workings
57.5046 Protection Against Radon Gas
57.5047 Gamma Radiation Exposure Records
56/57.14213 Ventilation for Welding
Subpart J Travelways and Escapeways
57.11050 Escapeways
57.11055 Inclined Escapeways
Subpart K Electricity
56/57.12006 Distribution Boxes
56/57.12019 Suitable Clearance Around Stationary
56/57.12020 Protection of Persons at Switchgear
56/57.12028 Testing Grounding Systems
56/57.12042 Track Bonding
57.12082 Isolation of Powerlines
57.12084 Branch Circuit Disconnecting Devices
Subpart L Compressed Air and Boilers
56/57.13015(b) Records of Inspections of Compressed Air Receivers and Other Unfired Pressure Vessels
56/57.13021 High Pressure Hose Connections
56/57.13030(c) Records of Inspections and Repairs of Boilers
Subpart M Machinery and Equipment
56/57.14100 Safety Defects: Examination, Correction, and Records
56/57.14101(a) Brakes/Minimum Requirements
56/57.14107 Moving Machine Parts
56/57.14109 Unguarded Conveyors With Adjacent Travelways
56/57.14130 and .14131 Providing, Maintaining, and Wearing Seat Belts
56/57.14132(a) and (b) Horns and Backup Alarms For Surface Equipment
56/57.14201 Conveyor Start-Up Warning
56/57.14211 Blocking Equipment in Raised Position
56/57.14213 Ventilation For Welding
Subpart N Personal Protection
56/57.15001 First Aid Materials
56/57.15003 Protective Footwear
56/57.15004 Eye Protection
56/57.15006 Protective Equipment and Clothing for Hazards and Irritants
56/57.15030 Provisions and Maintenance of Self-Rescue Devices
Subpart O Materials Storage and Handling
56/57.16003/.16004 Storage of Hazardous Materials and Containers for Hazardous Materials
56/57.16016 Lift 59
Subpart Q Safety Programs
56/57.18002 Examination of Working Place
57.18028 Mine Emergency and Self-Rescuer Training
Subpart R Personnel Hoisting
56/57.19025 Hoist Rope Load End Attachments
56/57.19045 Metal Bonnet
56/57.19083 Overtravel Backout Device
56/57.19120 Procedures for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance
Subpart S Miscellaneous
56/57.20002 Potable Water
56/57.20005 Carbon Tetrachloride
56/57.20008 Toilet Facilities
56/57.20011 Barricades and Warning Signs
56/57.20012 Labeling of Toxic Materials
Subpart T Safety Standards for Methane in Metal and Nonmetal Mines
57.22302/ Minimum Air Quantity Formula for Gassy
.22303/ Metal/Nonmetal Mines Operating Multiple
.22304/ Diesel Units