What is a Memorandum of Understanding?
One of the Secretary of Labor's goals is to secure a safe and healthy workplace, especially at mines. The Secretary will implement this goal by forming agreements with States, local governments, entities that represent these governments, and other federal agencies to consult, coordinate, and exchange information concerning the health and safety of miners. These agreements may include various areas such as training, enforcement, communication, and coordination.
Memoranda of Understanding
In this Memorandum of Understanding, the U.S. Department of Labor, Mine Safety and Health Administration agrees with the Interstate Mining Compact Commission to facilitate coordinated and timely communications that promote and protect the mining industry's most precious resource, miners.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives have signed a revised Memorandum of Understanding to update their coordinated efforts in the enforcement of Federal explosives laws at mines under each agency's respective jurisdiction. The MOU sets forth the policy and procedures for cooperation and coordination between the two agencies to ensure effective compliance with Federal explosives laws.
MSHA and the DOE entered into this Memorandum of Understanding for the purpose of delineating certain areas of authority and responsibility, to clarify guidelines, and to enhance communication and coordination between MSHA and DOE for the purpose of improving safety and health. Both agencies entered into this agreement to facilitate the effective implementation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Act by formalizing a working relationship between the two agencies.
The Federal Railroad Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, and the Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, have entered into this Memorandum of Agreement to establish cooperative procedures for resolving jurisdictional questions, and to provide for interagency coordination between FRA and MSHA in areas of mutual interest.
The following program for qualifying persons as coal mine electricians is administered by the Illinois State Mining Board in the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Mines and Minerals, under authority granted in 220 Ill. Comp. Stat, 705/2.01 and Ill. Admin. Code title 62, § 220.50(e) and MSHA's authority under 30 U.S.C. § 801 et seq. and 30 C.P.R. §§ 75.153(a) and 77.1 03(a). This electrical qualification program as described below is approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration, United States Department of Labor.
The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to specify bases for coordination between the BLM and MSHA and to foster the communication of information on geological conditions or mining practices that impact the health and safety of miners at underground coal mines on Federal and Indian lands.
The Mine Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, have entered into this agreement to delineate certain areas of authority, set forth factors regarding determinations relating to convenience of administration, provide a procedure for determining general jurisdictional questions, and provide for coordination between MSHA and OSHA in all areas of mutual interest.