Find current and historical Preliminary Accident Reports, Fatality Alerts, and Fatal Investigation Reports for coal and metal/nonmetal mines. Access quarterly and annual summaries of mining fatalities along with associated best practices and preventative recommendations. View information about non-chargeable mining deaths.
Preliminary Accident Reports, Fatality Alerts, and Fatal Investigation Reports
View all preliminary accident reports, fatality alerts and fatal investigation reports for coal and metal/nonmetal mines in the United States. Filter fatalities by date, state, material mined, accident location, and more.
Access preliminary accident reports, fatality alerts, and fatal investigation reports
Non-Chargeable Mining Deaths
MSHA investigates all deaths on mine property; however, some deaths are unrelated to mining activity and are not counted in the statistics MSHA uses to assess the safety performance of the mining industry. These deaths are termed “non-chargeable” and include homicides, suicides, deaths due to natural causes, and deaths involving trespassers.
Access Non-Chargeable Mining Death Reports