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Fatality #11 - October 28, 2011

Accident Classification: Other
Location: South Area , Nevada
Mine Controller: Newmont Mining Corp
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Gold Ore
Incident Date/Time: October 28, 2011 05:45 pm

The victim was working in a shop repairing a haul truck tire. He was inside the tire, applying glue, when he was overcome by the fumes from the glue.


This posting serves to provide a public notice to employees of the mine, employees of the mining company(s), employees of independent contractors with any connection to the mine, persons with any connection to the mine, and any person with information regarding the cause or contributing factors of this accident.

Please provide any information to Joel Dozier, Lead Accident Investigator at 707-447-9844.


The victim was working in a shop repairing a haul truck tire. He was inside the tire, applying glue, when he was overcome by the fumes from the glue.


METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY -On October 28, 2011, a 21 year-old contract tire repair technician with 37 weeks of experience was killed at a surface gold operation. The victim was working in a shop repairing a haul truck tire. He was applying adhesive inside the tire and was completely out of view. He was not wearing respiratory protection.
