Coal mine operators who use diesel equipment may now submit required information electronically.
Information submitted by the operator to MSHA must include the number and type of diesel-powered units used underground, including make and model of the unit, type of equipment, make and model of the engine, serial number of the engine and other specific data pertaining to the equipment.
If MSHA finds a problem with any inventory submission, the user will be notified by e-mail. Questions concerning use of the online diesel inventory may be addressed to the MSHA "help desk" either by phone
at 1-877-778-6055 or by email at
Questions and Answers
Q. | How does MSHA differentiate a spare engine from an engine which may be included in the diesel equipment inventory before the May 22, 2001 deadline?
Q. | If an engine which is already listed on the diesel equipment inventory is given a new frame and body, is the equipment "newly introduced at the mine?"
Q. | Does MSHA update the list of approved engines posted on the MSHA home page?
Q. | If an engine is sent out to be rebuilt, is it still part of the inventory when it comes back?
Q. | When equipment is owned jointly by different mining companies or is bought jointly, whose responsibility is it to have it reported after it is introduced?
Q. | If mines share specialized equipment, is it considered "introduced" equipment when it goes from one mine to another?
Q. | The rule requires that I notify the District Manager within 7 days of any change to my diesel equipment inventory; if I borrow or rent a piece of equipment for 5 days do I have to notify the District Manager?
Q. | Does diesel equipment covered by a purchase order dated before May 22, 2001 count as an addition to the mine's diesel inventory and not applicable to the rule?
Q. | Does the entire fleet or only equipment effected by the May 22, 2001, date have to be included on the diesel equipment inventory submitted to the District Manager?
Q. | Must the District Manager be notified when equipment leaves the mine?