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Commonwealth of Kentucky Program Summary

Mr. Timothy (Tim) Fugate
Division Director

Division of Mine Safety
300 Sower Blvd., 2nd Floor
Frankfort, KY 40601

The Kentucky Division of Mine Safety relies heavily on the skills and knowledge of the 12 program instructors working throughout the state to provide quality training to miners and contract employees working at Kentucky mining operations.

Kentucky offers training and testing for Qualification and Certification for:

  • Surface and Underground Mine Foreman Initial Certification Classes and Annual Retraining
  • Surface and Underground Initial and Annual Retraining Classes
  • Miner Emergency Technician (MET) Training and Retraining;
  • CPR Training and Retraining;
  • Electrical Training (Initial and Annual Retraining);
  • Hoisting Engineer Operator Training and Retraining;
  • Gas Detection;
  • Shot Firer; (Surface and Underground);
  • Electrical Instructor; and
  • Surface and Underground Instructor.

Other courses presented include:

  • 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training (Underground and Surface);
  • 30 CFR parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher (Underground and Surface); and
  • Special Class related to Roof Control required for those persons found guilty of traveling under un-supported roof.

The Commonwealth of Kentucky conducts Coal Mine Rescue Contests annually.

For more program information contact Mr. Timothy (Tim) Fugate at (502) 782-6276 or e-mail