State of Minnesota Program Summary
LeAnn Snidarich, Program Manager, Workforce Solutions
Minnesota State
30 7th Street East, Suite 350,
St. Paul, MN 55101
The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System, through three regional technical and community college sites, conducts mine health and safety training and other activities for the miners, mine operators and contract employees working at mining operations throughout the State of Minnesota.
The program provides training for small mining operations and independent contractors. Based on MSHA priorities, training courses emphasize the health hazards of overexposure to respirable silica dust and noise, and prevention of powered haulage accidents. Based on Minnesota's mining injuries and the number of citations written for violations in previous years, training also emphasizes recognition and correction of electrical and "housekeeping" hazards.
Training courses include:
- 30 CFR, Parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher Training; and
- 30 CFR, Parts 46 and 48 New Miner Training, including Independent Contractors.
The program also makes available to all mines and miners in the State, specific information on the prevention of silicosis through three regional health seminars.
To assist small mining operations with the development of specific and effective on-the-job task training, and to better prepare miners, mine managers and supervisors for the mining season, the Minnesota training program, sponsors Collaborative Mine Safety and Health Seminars on an annual basis. The collaborative efforts of the Minnesota Mine Safety Association ( a state council of the Holmes Safety Association) and the North Central MSHA District Office. These seminars provide information on pre-start-up safety and health issues related to the industry, with a special emphasis on the prevention of powered haulage accidents. Participants invited to these seminars include mine operators, mine managers, supervisors, safety directors, union safety committeemen and miners' representatives from surface, metal and nonmetal mines.
For more program information contact LeAnn Snidarich at 651-201-1464 or e-mail