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MNM Serious Accident Alert - Surface Truck

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Surface – Sand and Gravel On January 19, 2018, a water truck operator and passenger were seriously injured when their truck overturned.  The truck tank was ¾ full of water at the time of the accident and the roadway was slightly uneven.  Both miners were wearing their seat belts.

Best Practices
  • Maintain control of self-propelled mobile equipment while it is in motion.
  • Post safe speed limits for the mine roads and remind mobile equipment operators to reduce speed when weather conditions change.
  • Always make complete and thorough pre-operational equipment checks that include braking systems and seat belts before operating equipment.
  • Equipment seatbelts should be provided and used at all times during operation. Monitor employees regularly to ensure seat belts are worn when operating mobile equipment
  • Establish and maintain communications with all trucks and mobile equipment.
  • Materials that make up road surfaces and road bases need to serve two functions: 1) provide adequate traction; and 2) provide support for the traffic without excessive sinking-in or rutting.