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MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN) Single Source Page

Who does this apply to?

  • Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) personnel, mine operators, independent contractors, miners, state grantees, MSHA qualified and certified persons and approved instructors.
  • A MIIN is only required for persons applying for or modifying one of the following qualifications, certifications, or approvals:

- Electrical Qualification Training, Low/Medium Voltage (Underground)
- Electrical Qualification Retraining, Low/Medium Voltage (Underground)
- Electrical Qualification Training, (Surface)
- Electrical Qualification Retraining, (Surface)
- Methane/Oxygen Qualification (Underground/Surface)
- Hoisting Qualification (Underground/Surface)
- Explosives/Blasting Qualification
- Impoundment Qualification
- MSHA Approved Instructors (Part 48 and Part 49, Electrical)
- Underground Foreman
- Underground Assistant Foreman
- Preshift Examiner
- Surface Foreman
- Respirable Dust Samples
- Respirable Dust Certification for Maintenance and Calibration on Dust Sampling Units

A MIIN number is not required for Part 46 or Part 48 Miner training

What is a MIIN?

  • A MIIN is an MSHA Individual Identification Number
  • MIIN's will be substituted for the social security number, eliminating the need for miners to provide the SSN on documents submitted to MSHA
  • Use of the MIIN will help protect against identity theft

How do I get a MIIN?

  • Go online at then click on Forms/Online Filing, and then on MSHA Individual Identification Number Request (5000-46) .
  • Call the toll-free phone number 1 800-579-2647
  • Fill out MSHA Form 5000-46, "Request for MSHA Individual Identification Number (MIIN)" and Send by secure FAX to (303) 231-5474 or 
    Mail to: Mine Safety and Health Administration
    Qualification and Certification Unit
    P.O. Box 25367, DFC
    Denver, CO 80225

Useful Resources