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MSHA Mine Blasting Safety and Application Seminar


National Health and Safety Academy
Beaver, WV 25813
United States

February 19 2025 -All day
February 20 2025 -All day

This tuition-free seminar is for mining company managers, blasting engineers, blasters, and others involved with the planning, design, and use of explo­sives in the mining industry.

The most recent innovations in drilling and blast­ing design technology will be addressed, along with specific blasting applications, up-to-date blasting regulations, and blasting related information from recognized experts. Presenters are drawn from manu­facturers of explosives and accessories, blasting con­sultants, design experts, and government agencies. Examples of topics include:

  • Safety in storage, transportation, and use of explosives, and how to recognize and prevent malfunctions.
  • Blasting design technology.
  • Safe blasting practices.
  • Drilling design.
  • The use of seismology in blasting applications.
  • Electronic initiation systems.
  • Flyrock.
  • Construction blasting.
  • Vibration control.

To register, fill out, detach, and return the registration form to the address listed. You may also fill it out, scan it and email it to or

For more information, contact

2025 MSHA Blasting Seminar Flyer