State of Wyoming Program Summary
Anne Larsen, CPA, Vice President, Administrative Services/CFO
Gillette Community College District (GCCD)
Gillette College
300 West Sinclair
Gillette, Wyoming82718
GCCD's Gillette College is located in the epicenter of the coal mining industry in the Powder River Basin of northeast Wyoming and is wholly committed to assisting MSHA to provide quality health and safety training to the State's mining and related industry by working to create a culture of safety and health leadership in Wyoming. GCCD is dedicated to strengthening community and industry relationships by providing programs and services responsive to our constituents' needs and developing leaders to maintain and enhance the quality of economic, social, and cultural life in our communities.
The Wyoming program provides mandatory training for miners and contract miners throughout the State and bordering states in subject areas such as:
- 30 CFR Parts46 and 48 New Miner Training.
- 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 Annual Refresher Training; and
- 30 CFR Parts 46 and 48 Experienced Miner Training.
In addition to the mandatory trainingthe Wyoming TrainingProgram provides health and safety training in:
- American Heart Association First Aid & CPR / AED.
- MSHA Annual Electrical Requalification.
- MSHA Electrical Test Prep Classes.
- 30 CFR Part 77; Supervisory and First Aid Training.
- 30 CFR Part 56; First Aid Training.
- Blasting Certification; (partner with Wyoming DEQ / LQD).
- Wyoming State Foreman Certification Training.
- Mine Contractor & Mine Operator Training Plan Development Assistance.
- Surface Mine Rescue Competition partner.
- Methane/Oxygen Deficiency Certification Prep Classes for MSHA Certification.
- Noise Level Testing Classes.
- Dust Sampling Certification Prep Classes for MSHA Certification.
- Mine Trainers Prep Workshop for MSHA Mine Instructor Approval; and
- Certification Prep Classesand refresher training; and
- Various seminars and short coursesupon request.
The Wyoming Program assiststhe mining industryin reducing accidentsthrough a continuation and intensification of safety awareness training programs. Special emphasis training will include miner's"Voices in the Workplace" (Miner'sRights), Back, Legs and Feet, Hands/Fingers and Arm Injuries and Powered Haulage Accident Prevention as well as emphasis on current national trends in mine safety and hazard awareness. The Health Program will help make miners aware of the hazards of exposure to silica and the prevention of dust related diseases and the hazards of excess noise exposures in the mining environment.
For more program information contact:
James Stratton
Director, Industry Safety Training Center
Email: Telephone: (307)681-6350
Web Page:
For information regarding Wyoming's mining laws, rules and regulations contact Ms. Heather Kroupa, State Inspector of Mines at (307) 362-5222 or email