Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY - On June 12, 2010, a 46-year-old contractor welder was fatally injured at a crushed stone operation. He was preparing to weld on an overhead ventilation duct. The victim was using a ladder to access the duct when he fell over a handrail approximately 45 feet to the ground.
Best Practices
- Always use fall protection when working where a fall hazard exists.
- Position ladders to ensure their stability and to eliminate trip hazards.
- Always face the ladder when climbing or working from a ladder.
- Do not lean to reach items while standing on a ladder.
- Always maintain three points of contact with the ladder when climbing.
Additional Information
This is the 10th fatality reported in calendar year 2010 in the metal and nonmetal mining industries. As of this date in 2009, there were 12 fatalities reported in these industries. This is the 1st Slip/Fall of Person fatality in 2010. There was one Slip/Fall of Person fatality in the same period in 2009.