Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY - On November 30, 2010, a 33 year- old mechanic with 14 years of experience died at a crushed stone operation. The victim and a coworker were working under the rear portion of a ten-wheeled truck that was suspended by rigging attached to a hoist. The chain holding the truck slipped off the hook and the truck fell, killing the victim and injuring the other person.
Best Practices
- Establish safe work procedures before a task is performed and ensure that the safe work procedures are followed.
- Train persons to recognize the hazards of working under suspended loads.
- Securely block equipment against hazardous motion while performing maintenance work.
- Train all persons regarding the proper selection and use of lifting devices and rigging equipment.
- Use lifting devices and rigging that are compatible with the load being lifted.
Additional Information
This is the 20th fatality reported in calendar year 2010 in the metal and nonmetal mining industries. As of this date in 2009, there were 16 fatalities reported in these industries. This is the 5th Falling Material fatality in 2010. There were 3 Falling Material fatalities in the same period in 2009.