Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY - On December 17, 2010, a 35 year- old truck driver with 11 weeks of experience died at a crushed stone operation. The victim was standing on a belt conveyor, working inside a chute, when the belt conveyor started. He was pulled out of the chute and conveyed under two other chutes located on the same belt conveyor. After the belt conveyor was shut down, the victim was found under a third chute.

Best Practices
- Establish safe work procedures before conducting specific tasks on belt conveyors and ensure that the safe work procedures are followed.
- Train persons to recognize the hazards of working near belt conveyors.
- Deenergize and block belt conveyors against motion before working near a chute, drive, head, tail, and take-up pulleys.
- Lock-out/tag-out all energy sources to belt conveyors before working on them.
- Sound audible warnings or alarms prior to starting belt conveyors.
- Maintain communications with all persons performing the task. Before re-starting belt conveyors, ensure that all persons are clear.
Additional Information
This is the 21st fatality reported in calendar year 2010 in the metal and nonmetal mining industries. As of this date in 2009, there were 16 fatalities reported in these industries. This is the 7th Powered Haulage fatality in 2010. There were 5 Powered Haulage fatalities in the same period in 2009.