Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY -On September 23, 2011, a 32 year-old plant operator with 10 years of experience was killed at a sand and gravel operation. The victim was changing a screen in the plant when he fell approximately 56 feet to the ground below. He was standing on a steel rail that had been placed between the midrail of the protective rail surrounding the screen deck work platform and the screen structure.
Best Practices
- Establish and discuss safe work procedures. Before starting any work, identify and control all hazards.
- Train all persons to recognize and understand safe job procedures, including the purpose of fall protection barriers and the proper use of fall protection.
- Always use fall protection when working where a fall hazard exists.
Additional Information
This is the 10th fatality reported in calendar year 2011 in the metal and nonmetal mining industries. As of this date in 2010, there were 14 fatalities reported in these industries. This is the 2nd Fall of Person fatality in 2011. There was 1 Fall of Person fatality in the same period in 2010.