Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY – On August 3, 2015, a 64-year old miner with 44 weeks experience was killed at a sand and gravel mine. The victim was operating a front-end loader, loading trucks from a stockpile, when he exited the loader. While outside the loader, the approximate 35-foot high stockpile slope failed and engulfed the victim between the stockpile and the loader.
Best Practices
- Ensure that miners are adequately trained in determining the stability of a stockpile. Any unconsolidated material sloped above its natural angle of repose is, by definition, UNSTABLE and potentially DANGEROUS.
- Ensure that equipment on site has the capability to trim stockpiles safely.
- Ensure that equipment is parked in a safe location before exiting the vehicle.
- Ensure adequate work place examinations are performed and promptly correct hazardous conditions that adversely affect safety and health.
Additional Information
This is the 13 th fatality reported in calendar year 2015 in metal and nonmetal mining. As of this date in 2014, there were 19 fatalities reported in metal and nonmetal mining. This is the 3 rd Falling or Sliding Material fatality in 2015. There were 3 Falling or Sliding Materials fatalities in the same period in 2014.