Accident Report: Fatality Reference
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METAL/NONMETAL MINE FATALITY – On October 17, 2017, a miner was fatally injured while operating a bulldozer on a downward slope. While pushing overburden to a rock bench below the top of the pit, he was ejected from the cab and run over by the left track. The machine continued to tram over the edge of the 58’ highwall.
Best Practices
- Always wear a seatbelt when operating mobile equipment.
- Never jump from moving mobile equipment.
- Ensure that persons are trained, including task-training, to understand the hazards associated with the work being performed.
- Block the dozer against motion by setting the parking brake and lowering the blade to the ground before dismounting equipment. Set the transmission lock lever to ensure the transmission is in neutral.
- Establish and discuss safe work procedures before beginning work. Identify and control all hazards associated with the work to be performed and use methods to properly protect persons.
- Do not place yourself in a position that will expose you to hazards while performing a task.
- Maintain control of mobile equipment while it is in motion.
- Maintain equipment braking systems in good repair and adjustment. Do not depend on hydraulic systems to hold mobile equipment stationary.
Additional Information
This is the 10th fatality reported in calendar year 2017 in metal and nonmetal mining. As of this date in 2016, there were 15 fatalities reported in metal and nonmetal mining. This is the 2nd Machinery fatality in 2017. There were 4 Machinery fatalities during the same period in 2016.