MSHA’s analysis of recent accident data indicate that accidents involving customer and contract truck drivers, and managers and supervisors performing mining tasks represent a significant number of recent fatalities. MSHA has implemented an enhanced enforcement program to help improve safety and health in the mining industry. Any citations issued for violations discussed below may be considered for a special assessment.
This program will become a part of regular inspections (2 per year for surface mines and 4 per year for underground).
1. Customer and Contract Truck Drivers
a) Task Training
Mine operators must assure that miners have the skills necessary to perform tasks in a safe manner. This is particularly true for customer or contract truck drivers. Truck drivers must be trained in the tasks necessary to perform their jobs at the mine. MSHA inspectors will focus on the following standards.
Control of Equipment: 56.9101, 57.9101, 77.1607(a) and (b)
Use of Seat Belts: 56.14131, 57.14131
Chocking of Wheels: 56.1402, 57.1402, 77.1607(n)
Pre-operational Inspection: 56.14100(a), 57.14100(a), 77.1606(a)
Maintaining Brakes in Functional Condition: 56.14101(a)(3), 57.14101(a)(3), 77.1605(b)
b) Hazard training (provided by the mine operator)
Mine operators must provide appropriate hazard training to customer and contract truck drivers, as required under 30 CFR 46.11 (sand, gravel, stone, or limestone surface mines), 48.11 (underground mines), and 48.31 (surface mines and surface areas of underground mines).
2. Managers and Supervisors who Perform Mining Tasks
Managers and supervisors who perform mining tasks must be tasked trained, as required under 30 CFR 46.7 (sand, gravel, stone, or limestone surface mines), 48.7 (underground mines), and 48.27(surface mines and surface areas of underground mines).
3. Compliance Assistance Program
As part of MSHA’s mission to promote safe and healthful workplaces, MSHA works with the mining community to prevent hazards from occurring and provide education and training assistance to mine operators and miners to accomplish the Agency’s mission. MSHA’s District Offices will identify mines that can benefit from compliance assistance from the Agency’s Educational Field and Small Mine Services staff.