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Fatality Reports

MSHA investigates each mining fatality and prepares the following documents to alert the mining community and prevent similar occurrences.

  • Fatality Alert - describes the accident and lists best practices that may have prevented it
  • Preliminary Report - initial report with brief description
  • Final Report - investigative findings, including root causes and enforcement actions

Some deaths on mining property are determined to be unrelated to mining activity and are not included in MSHA’s fatality statistics - See recent “non-chargeable” fatalities:
Accident Classification: Machinery
Location: Beck Street - Salt Lake, Utah
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Construction Sand and Gravel
Accident Classification: Inundation
Location: Gentry Mine #3 - Emery, Utah
Mine Controller: Patrick Peterson
Mine Type: Underground
Mined Material: Coal (Bituminous)
Accident Classification: Powered Haulage
Location: Hansen Pit - Salt Lake, Utah
Mine Controller: CCI (Clyde Companies Inc)
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Construction Sand and Gravel
Accident Classification: Machinery
Location: HANSEN PIT - 1565 West 400 North Orem, UT 84057
Mine Controller: CCI (Clyde Companies Inc)
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Construction Sand and Gravel
Accident Classification: Powered Haulage
Location: Beck Street South - Utah
Mine Controller: CRH PLC
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Construction Sand and Gravel
Accident Classification: Powered Haulage
Location: West Ridge Mine - Utah
Mine Controller: Robert E Murray
Mine Type: Underground
Mined Material: Coal (Bituminous)
Accident Classification: Slip or Fall of Person
Location: Chalk Hills Quarry - Utah
Mine Controller: Karen Palmer
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Gypsum

(Victim died July 28, 2014)

On June 14, 2014, Kevin Lee Ames, a 35-year-old laborer, was using a propane torch to shrink-wrap pelletized gypsum when he received serious burns on 35% of his body. He was subsequently discovered by a co-worker and transported to a hospital. He died on July 28, 2014. The death certificate indicated that the cause of death was mucormycosis (fungal infection) due to burns, and that the manner of death was an accident. An autopsy was not performed. Based on the findings of the death certificate and the MSHA investigation, the Fatality Review Committee determined that the death should be charged to the mining industry.

Accident Classification: Powered Haulage
Location: Comstock / Mountain Lion - Utah
Mine Controller: Steve L Gilbert
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Iron Ore
Accident Classification: Fall of Roof or Back
Location: Castle Valley Mine #4 - Utah
Mine Controller: Rhino Resource Partners LP
Mine Type: Underground
Mined Material: Coal (Bituminous)
Accident Classification: Powered Haulage
Mine Controller: Stacey P Bolinder; Garry L Bolinder
Mine Type: Surface
Mined Material: Crushed, Broken Quartzite
Deemed Chargeable 4/11/2011
Accident Classification: Fall of Face, Rib, Side or Highwall
Location: Pandora Complex - Utah
Mine Controller: International Uranium Corp
Mine Type: Underground
Mined Material: Uranium Ore
Accident Classification: Falling, Rolling, or Sliding Rock or Material of Any Kind
Location: Copperton Concentrator - Utah
Mine Controller: Rio Tinto Group
Mine Type: Facility
Mined Material: Copper Ore NEC